
Is there a way to use CSS transition without defining any properties?

I have a JavaScript function to move different child elements across a parent div, but I want to add a transition so the elements move to their new position in the div instead of changing the position instantly.

As far as I used transitions, for me it only worked with defined properties, like top/bottom or height/width. In this case, I didn't define any properties, so I wonder if a transition effect is still possible.

Here you can see the children and the parent I set up, and my function for moving the child elements:

function moveElement(elementId, place) {
  let div = document.getElementById('parent')
  let element = document.getElementById(String(elementId))
  let referencenode = div.children[place]
  div.insertBefore(element, referencenode)

var children = document.getElementById('parent').children;

document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
  let id = children.item(2).id;
  moveElement(id, 0)
<div id="parent">
  <div id="child1" style="background-color:red" class="child">
  <div id="child2" style="background-color:lightblue" class="child">
  <div id="child3" style="background-color:green" class="child">
  <div id="child4" style="background-color:yellow" class="child">

since all my attempts of making a working transition failed, I only left the switching function, so they switch places instantly.

I tried using transition-duration, but since no CSS properties were defined, expected nothing happened.

Thanks in advance!

And please no jQuery, since I didn't ever use it, so if possible I would appreciate vanilla JavaScript :)


  • As the comments suggest, CSS transitions happen on CSS property changes, so some CSS property has to change for a transition to happen. For animating changes in order or DOM elements, you could consider using the First, Last, Invert, Play (FLIP) technique1234 whereby:

    1. First: get the initial position of the element(s).
    2. Last: make the element(s) to their ending state.
    3. Invert: use the information from the previous steps to invert the positional change back to how the element(s) look before the change occurred.
    4. Play: remove the inversion but with transitions, so that the element(s) animate back from inversion back to their new positions.

    function moveElement(elementId, place) {
      let div = document.getElementById('parent')
      let element = document.getElementById(String(elementId))
      const children = Array.from(element.parentElement.children);
      let referencenode = children[place]
      // Get the child index of the element being moved.
      const elementIndex = children.indexOf(element);
      // Get the list of elements that will move.
      const movingChildren = children.slice(
        elementIndex > place ? place : elementIndex,
        (elementIndex > place ? elementIndex : place) + 1,
      // Capture the positions of the elements being moved (First).
      const before =
        movingChild => movingChild.getBoundingClientRect(),
      // Do the moving (Last).
      div.insertBefore(element, referencenode);
      // Do the animations.
      movingChildren.forEach((child, i) => {
        // Get the moved position.
        const newPosition = child.getBoundingClientRect();
        // `transform` the element back to their old position (Invert). = `translate(${before[i].x - newPosition.x}px, ${before[i].y - newPosition.y}px)`;
        // Initialize the transition on the next render frame.
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          // Clear transitioning.
          const clearTransition = () => {
   = '';
            child.removeEventListener('transitionend', clearTransition);
          child.addEventListener('transitionend', clearTransition);
          // Do the transition (Play).
 = 'transform 250ms';
 = '';
    var children = document.getElementById('parent').children;
    document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
      let id = children.item(2).id;
      moveElement(id, 0)
    <div id="parent">
      <div id="child1" style="background-color:red" class="child">
      <div id="child2" style="background-color:lightblue" class="child">
      <div id="child3" style="background-color:green" class="child">
      <div id="child4" style="background-color:yellow" class="child">

    1Layout Animation FLIP Technique
    2Animating Layouts with the FLIP Technique
    3FLIP Your Animations
    4Animating the Unanimatable