I am implementing caching for my website which is using Zend Framework.
I look into the source code and see that:
always need two configurations of backend and frontend.
And my issue is:
I don't know why backend is set inside frontend,
and what is the difference between them?
return $frontendObject;
public static function factory($frontend, $backend, $frontendOptions = array(), $backendOptions = array(), $customFrontendNaming = false, $customBackendNaming = false, $autoload = false)
if (is_string($backend)) {
$backendObject = self::_makeBackend($backend, $backendOptions, $customBackendNaming, $autoload);
} else {
if ((is_object($backend)) && (in_array('Zend_Cache_Backend_Interface', class_implements($backend)))) {
$backendObject = $backend;
} else {
self::throwException('backend must be a backend name (string) or an object which implements Zend_Cache_Backend_Interface');
if (is_string($frontend)) {
$frontendObject = self::_makeFrontend($frontend, $frontendOptions, $customFrontendNaming, $autoload);
} else {
if (is_object($frontend)) {
$frontendObject = $frontend;
} else {
self::throwException('frontend must be a frontend name (string) or an object');
return $frontendObject;
The cache backend is the "cache engine" : it can be file, memcached, etc.
The cache frontend specify what kind of data will be stored in the cache (see http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.cache.frontends.html)