I want to fetch all posts posted by those users who have gone to same college as the current users...So inside my welcome controller i have written following code..
class WelcomesController < ApplicationController
def index
@col = Education.select(:college_id).where(:user_id => @current_user)
@user = Education.select(:user_id).where(:college_id => @col)
@welcome = Welcome.where(:user_id => @user)
Following is my shema code for welcome and education model:
create_table "welcomes", :force => true do |t|
t.text "message"
t.integer "user_id"
create_table "educations", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "college_id"
t.integer "user_id"
@col = Education.select(:college_id).where(:user_id => @current_user)
....this line returns college ids associated with current logged in user.This is working perfectly on my console which is returning following output..
[#<Education college_id: 1>, #<Education college_id: 2>]
but i dont know how to use this output in my next line,so i have written this statement which should return all the users whose college id is the output of prevous statement
@user = Education.select(:user_id).where(:college_id => @col)
and my last line should return all the posts posted by those users whose ids are inside the @user array:
@welcome = Welcome.where(:user_id => @user)
but this is not working.When i run my project i cant see any output on my page and on console i am getting following output :
SELECT welcomes
.* FROM welcomes
WHERE (welcomes
which means its not getting any user ids..
How can i solve this ...
You can try this:
@col = Education.select(:college_id).where(:user_id => @current_user.id).all
@users = Education.select(:user_id).where(:college_id => @col.collect(&:college_id)).all
@welcome = Welcome.where(:user_id => @users.collect(&:user_id)).all