I got a java class which is used to send SMS to a mobile by java web application. But I am not getting following terms, how can i get these?
String username = "MySMSUsername";// how to know MySMSUsername?
String password = "MyPassword";//how to know password?
String smtphost = "MySMSHost.com";//how to know SMSHost?
String compression = "My SMS Compression Information";
String from = "mySMSUsername@MySMSHost.com";
String to = "PhoneNumberToText@sms.MySMSHost.com";
String body = "Hello SMS World!";
Full sorce code: How to send SMS using Java
You are referring to the code that is just a sending an e-mail using java program.Not sending sms using java.
String username = "saroj"; for example
String password = "saroj123";
String smtphost = "your e-mail server host name"; you can IP address of the mail server
String compression = "this is the subject of your e-mail";
String from = "saroj@saroj.com";
String to = "yourfreind@abc.com";
String body = "This is the actual message content";
All these information are required while sending an e-mail using java, not to send SMS.In order to send a sms, you need to configure SMS gateways.