I've been able to track down basic head/tail functionality:
head -10 myfile <==> cat myfile | select -first 10
tail -10 myfile <==> cat myfile | select -last 10
But if I want to list all lines except the last three or all lines except the first three, how do you do that? In Unix, I could do "head -n-3" or "tail -n+4". It is not obvious how this should be done for PowerShell.
Like the -First and -Last parameters, there is also a -Skip parameter that will help. It is worth noting that -Skip is 1 based, not zero.
# this will skip the first three lines of the text file
cat myfile | select -skip 3
I am not sure PowerShell has something that gives you back everything except the last n lines pre-built. If you know the length you could just subtract n from the line count and use the -First parameter from select. You could also use a buffer that only passes lines through when it is filled.
function Skip-Last {
param (
begin {
$buf = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Queue[string]'
process {
if ($buf.Count -eq $Count) { $buf.Dequeue() }
As a demo:
# this would display the entire file except the last five lines
cat myfile | Skip-Last -count 5