
GROUP_CONCAT with JOINLEFT in Zend Db Select

Assuming that I have 2 tables

  id              title
  1               Article 1
  2               Article 2

  id              article_id     image
  1               1              a.png
  2               1              b.png
  3               2              c.png
  4               2              d.png

All that I want is retreive all articles with their images.

For example:

article_id     title           images
1              Article 1       a.png, b.png
2              Article 2       c.png, d.png

How could I do that with Zend_Db_Select?

I tried something like this but had no luck:

$select = $this->getDbTable()->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->distinct();
  ->joinLeft(array('i'=>'images'),'',array('images'=> new

It returns just only 1 row which 'images' field contains images of both articles.

article_id     title           images
1              Article 1       a.png, b.png, c.png, d.png

What am i doing wrong here?


  • You have not used group by clause in query.

    Try below:

           array('images'=> new Zend_Db_Expr('GROUP_CONCAT(i.image)')))