
Using Mysql to do multiple INSERT on linked tables

I have two tables, one linked to the Primary Key of the other. At the moment I INSERT into table A, get the LAST_INSERT_ID, and then INSERT into table B.

But I have hundreds of records to insert and I want to speed things up.

In Mysql you can either:

INSERT INTO table_a (v1, v2, c3) VALUE (0, 1, 2);

INSERT INTO table_a (v1, v2, v3) VALUE (4, 5, 6); 

etc, or

INSERT INTO table_a (v1, v2, v3) VALUE (0, 1, 2), (4, 5, 6), etc to add multiple entries faster - but only for one table.

Of course the latter is much faster. I was wondering whether it was possible to replicate this behaviour for my example with two linked tables using a Stored Procedure, and whether it would have a similarly dramatic improvement in performance:

something like: call special_insert((0, 1, 2), (4, 5, 6), etc); or similar.

I have no Stored Procedure experience, so I'm fishing for ideas on which direction to proceed in.


  • After some further investigation it appears as if SP would not offer significant speed improvements and cannot accept bulk parameters like INSERT INTO

    MySQL Stored Procedure vs. complex query

    But I still needed to insert a fairly large number of linked records in one so I did the following:

    INSERT INTO a (x, y) VALUES (1,2), (3,4), (5,6), ... (N-1, N)


    ids range from id to id+N as long as we use InnoDB tables:

    MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() used with multiple records INSERT statement

    MySQL LAST_INSERT_ID() used with multiple records INSERT statement

    and then

    INSERT INTO b (a_id, z) VALUES (id,2), (id+1,4), (id+2,6), ... (id+N, 11) only gotcha is you need to know your mysql increment increment from replication.