
exit entire app at once

I have used the code from here in my app, when I click on 'Cancel' option ,the app just minimizes ,when I long press and hold Home button and select the app.It shows the same screen not the splashscreen or the usual way the app starts - So I am assuming it just takes me to home screen. I am looking for a way I can close the main activity completely.

I have tried the following methods and it crashed every time:

  1. finish();
  2. mainactivity.class.finish();
  3. opening an intent which has systemexit()
  4. setresult() in the another activity.


  • Not recommened but still you can use this. Better go with this solution in case you need to quit the app.

    According to me the best solution is finish every activity in your app like below.

    step1) maintain a static variable in mainactivity say.

      public static boolean isQuit = false;

    step2) on click event of an button make this variable to true.

       mainactivity.isQuit = true;

    step3) And in every activity of your application have onrestart method as below..

          protected void onRestart() {
             // TODO Auto-generated method stub