
How to reproduce the pareto.chart plot from the qcc package using ggplot2?

I have been using the pareto.chart function from the qcc package in R and I really like it. Now I would like to port all my graphics to utilize the ggplot2 package instead. However, my knowledge of ggplot2 is very limited despite the excellent documentation so I cannot figure out all the details. Basically I want a plot looking like this

A simple pareto chart made by the pareto.chart function in the qcc package

but made with the ggplot2 package instead. The code for producing the plot is listed below:

    defect <- c(80, 27, 66, 94, 33)
    names(defect) <- c("price code", "schedule date", "supplier code", "contact num.", "part num.")
    pareto.chart(defect, ylab = "Error frequency", col=heat.colors(length(defect)))

Does anyone have a solution for this? The pareto chart has been discussed before here but the result does not look anything similar to what I want.


  • Here you go:

    counts  <- c(80, 27, 66, 94, 33)
    defects <- c("price code", "schedule date", "supplier code", "contact num.", "part num.")
    dat <- data.frame(
      count = counts,
      defect = defects,
    dat <- dat[order(dat$count, decreasing=TRUE), ]
    dat$defect <- factor(dat$defect, levels=dat$defect)
    dat$cum <- cumsum(dat$count)
    ggplot(dat, aes(x=defect)) +
      geom_bar(aes(y=count), fill="blue", stat="identity") +
      geom_point(aes(y=cum)) +
      geom_path(aes(y=cum, group=1))

    enter image description here