i recently converted a project's database from sqlite to postgres, because of timezone issues. The conversion works fine in my local dev environment. However, in my production environment on webfaction, when I try to use loaddata to populate the db from my json file, I get the following error message:
Problem installing fixture 'smartcarpools.json': Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mb52089/webapps/smartcarpools_prod/lib/python2.7/django/core/management/commands/loaddata.py", line 169, in handle
for obj in objects:
File "/home/mb52089/webapps/smartcarpools_prod/lib/python2.7/django/core/serializers/json.py", line 35, in Deserializer
for obj in PythonDeserializer(simplejson.load(stream), **options):
File "/home/mb52089/webapps/smartcarpools_prod/lib/python2.7/django/core/serializers/python.py", line 128, in Deserializer
data[field.name] = field.to_python(field_value)
File "/home/mb52089/webapps/smartcarpools_prod/lib/python2.7/django/db/models/fields/__init__.py", line 710, in to_python
raise exceptions.ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid'])
ValidationError: [u'Enter a valid date/time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]] format.']
I noticed that webfaction uses postgres 8.3 while my local dev environment uses 9.1.
Any help for a beginner is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I don't see anything mentioning PostgreSQL in your error. It is complaining about not having a valid date/time. Have you checked to make sure smarcarpools.json has all its date-times in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" format?
Oh - and PostgreSQL 8.3 was released back in 2008. You will want to:
If you can't get an up-to-date version on your host, grab a copy of 8.3 for your platform - if you're on a unix system then compiling from source is simple enough.