
prompt() with Internet Explorer 8

I am having a hard time figuring out a solution for my problem. Here's a code snippet:

var ans = prompt("Mot de passe", '');
if (ans != '' && ans != null)
   __doPostBack('__Page', ans);
   window.location = "../Erreurs/NotAuthorized.aspx";

This code works really great with Internet Explorer 9. But my client is exclusively working with Internet Explorer 8 so I tested it with ieTester in IE8. But the problem is that the prompt doesn't show and it automatically redirect because the input had an empty string ('').

So how do I fix this to work with Internet Explorer 8?


  • It looks like a security thing specific to IE- 8 for sure, I don't have other versions to test. Calling prompt() produces a warning about a scripted window asking for information. I can click to allow and after refreshing the page, the prompt box appears as expected.

    If you are going to insist on using prompt(), you will probably have to stipulate that security settings on the target machines are configured to allow it.