I have a caching problem when I use sqlalchemy
I use sqlalchemy
to insert data into a MySQL database. Then, I have another application process this data, and update it directly.
But sqlalchemy
always returns the old data rather than the updated data. I think sqlalchemy
cached my request ... so ... how should I disable it?
The usual cause for people thinking there's a "cache" at play, besides the usual SQLAlchemy identity map which is local to a transaction, is that they are observing the effects of transaction isolation. SQLAlchemy's session works by default in a transactional mode, meaning it waits until session.commit()
is called in order to persist data to the database. During this time, other transactions in progress elsewhere will not see this data.
However, due to the isolated nature of transactions, there's an extra twist. Those other transactions in progress will not only not see your transaction's data until it is committed, they also can't see it in some cases until they are committed or rolled back also (which is the same effect your close() is having here). A transaction with an average degree of isolation will hold onto the state that it has loaded thus far, and keep giving you that same state local to the transaction even though the real data has changed - this is called repeatable reads in transaction isolation parlance.