
Java interfaces reduction in visibility, only NOT

Possible Duplicate:
Reduce visibility when implementing interface in Java

I must be missing something obvious, but i am getting:

Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method

And I don't see how. This is my interface:

interface QueryBuilderPart {
    StringBuilder toStringBuilder();

And this is my implementation:

public class Stupid implements QueryBuilderPart {
    StringBuilder toStringBuilder() {
        return null;

Both the class and the implementation are in the same package. Any Ideas?


  • By default interface's method is public, but you reduce it to default visibility, which is package level visibility.

    So the following two block of code are the same:

    interface QueryBuilderPart {
        StringBuilder toStringBuilder();
    interface QueryBuilderPart {
        public abstract StringBuilder toStringBuilder();

    Note that interface's method is abstract as well

    So you should do as following:

    public class Stupid implements QueryBuilderPart {
        public StringBuilder toStringBuilder() {
            return null;