I want to build advanced search script but I have this error with search_all function in the model
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 4096
Message: Object of class CI_DB_mysql_result could not be converted to string
Filename: models/search_model.php
Line Number: 129
i have four fildes 1- input text to write the book name 2- select box for the author 3- select box for the publisher 3-select box for the section
the model is
class search_model extends CI_Model
function __construct()
/* This function get all search in database sort by order asc.*/
function get_new_one($id)
return $result->row();
function show_new($id)
$result=$this->db->query("SELECT * , COUNT( d_comments_search.cn_new_id ) as count
FROM d_search
left JOIN d_comments_search ON d_search.ne_id = d_comments_search.cn_new_id and d_search.ne_hide='1'
inner join d_search_category on d_search_category.nc_id = d_search.ne_category_id and d_search_category.nc_hide= '1'
and d_search.ne_id= $id group by d_search.ne_id");
return $result->row() ;
function generate_results($keyword,$row=0){
$result1 = $this->db->query("SELECT bo_id,bo_name,bo_state,bo_about FROM d_book where (bo_name like '%$keyword%' or bo_about like '%$keyword%') and bo_state = '1' limit $row,20");
$result2 = $this->db->query("SELECT au_id,au_name,au_state,au_info FROM d_author where (au_name like '%$keyword%' or au_info like '%$keyword%') and au_state = '1' limit $row,20");
$result3 = $this->db->query("SELECT pub_id,pub_name,pub_state,pub_info FROM d_publishing where (pub_name like '%$keyword%' or pub_info like '%$keyword%') and pub_state = '1' limit $row,20");
$results = array_merge($result1->result_array(),$result2->result_array(),$result3->result_array());
return $results;
// get total number of users
function getNumUsers($keyword)
$result1 = $this->db->query("SELECT bo_id,bo_name,bo_state,bo_about FROM d_book where (bo_name like '%$keyword%' or bo_about like '%$keyword%') and bo_state = '1'");
$result1 = $result1->num_rows();
$result2 = $this->db->query("SELECT au_id,au_name,au_state,au_info FROM d_author where (au_name like '%$keyword%' or au_info like '%$keyword%') and au_state = '1'");
$result2 = $result2->num_rows();
$result3 = $this->db->query("SELECT pub_id,pub_name,pub_state,pub_info FROM d_publishing where (pub_name like '%$keyword%' or pub_info like '%$keyword%') and pub_state = '1'");
$result3 = $result3->num_rows();
return $result1 + $result2 + $result3;
//////////////////////////////////end paging///////////////////
function get_publishing()
return $result;
function get_author()
return $result;
function get_section()
return $result;
function search_name()
return $this->db->get('d_book')->result_array();
function search_all() {
$publish = $this->input->post('publish');
$author = $this->input->post('author');
$sec_name = $this->input->post('section');
$sql = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `d_book`");
$searches = array();
if ($publish != 'choose')
$searches[] = "`bo_pub_id` = '$publish'";
if ($author != 'choose')
$searches[] = "`bo_au_id` = '$author'";
if ($sec_name != 'choose')
$searches[] = "`bo_sec_id` = '$sec_name'";
if (count($searches) > 0) {
$sql .= "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $searches);
$sql .= ';';
this is controller
class Search extends front_end {
var $temp;
function __construct(){
//echo $this->input->post("keyboard");
public function index()
* This function display all search
* @param integer $row
public function overview($row=0)
$this->form_validation->set_rules('keyword', 'كلمة البØØ«', 'trim|required|xss_clean|htmlspecialchars');
//echo $this->session->flashdata('keyword');
if ($this->session->flashdata('keyword') != ''){
//$this->session->set_flashdata('keyword', $this->input->post("keyword"));
$data = $this->temp;
$this->view('search/site/results', $data);
* This function generate result of search
* @param string $keyword
* @param integer $row
public function generate_results($keyword,$row=0){
$config['base_url'] = base_url().'search/search/overview/';
$config['total_rows'] = $this->search->getNumUsers($keyword);
$config['per_page'] = '20';
$config['uri_segment'] = '4';
$data['page'] = $row;
$data['results'] = $this->search->generate_results($keyword,$row);
$data['total_rows'] = $this->search->getNumUsers($keyword);
$this->temp = $data;
* This function display detail of new
* @param integer $id
public function show($id)
$this->view('site/new', $data);
* This function store keyword to use in search
private function store_keyword(){
$this->session->set_userdata('keyword', $this->input->post("keyword"));
public function search_form()
public function search_adv()
$data['result1'] = '';
$data['result2'] = '';
$data['result3'] = '';
$data['result4'] = '';
if($data['bo_name'] == NULL and $data['section']== NULL and $data['publish']==NULL and $data['author']== NULL){
if(isset($data['bo_name']) and $data['bo_name']!= NULL)
$data['result1'] = $this->search->search_name();
if(isset($data['section']) and $data['section'] != NULL)
if(isset($data['publish']) and $data['publish'] != NULL)
if(isset($data['author']) and $data['author']!= NULL)
$data['no_results'] = '';
if(! $data['result1'] && !$data['result2'] && !$data['result3'] && !$data['result4']){
$data['no_results'] = TRUE;
$data['no_results'] = FALSE;
/* End of file dashboard.php */
doesn't store a query string for later use. It actually executes the query right away and return an object of CI_DB_mysql_result
. You should build the query string before you call $this->db->query()
and store it into a variable, then pass it into the method.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `d_book` ";
$searches = array();
if ($publish != 'choose')
$searches[] = "`bo_pub_id` = '__some_id__'";
if ($author != 'choose')
$searches[] = "`bo_au_id` = '__some_id__'";
if ($sec_name != 'choose')
$searches[] = "`bo_sec_id` = '__some_id__'";
if (count($searches) > 0)
$sql .= "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $searches);
$sql .= ';';