
Photobucket IOS integration

could anyone assist in authenticating to photobucket and uploading an image from and iPhone app? I am currently configured with many networks but I can't really find good documentation for the photobucket process. I guess the process is only authenticate and upload using customer key then username and password of the user?

Any help here would be amazing! Thanks in advance!



  • Jim, the Photobucket (PB) process for authenticating is modified OAUTH. If you start looking at OAUTH examples you will find that you can authenticate on PB by simply converting a sample over to PB. e.g.: There's an OAuth starter kit set up for LinkedIN by Lee WHitney on Github courtesy of Kirsten Jones. Register an app with PB, get your keys and plug in the keys & correct PB URLs and you will be working. The URLS you need are:-

     requestTokenURLString = @"http://api.photobucket.com/login/request";
        accessTokenURLString = @"http://api.photobucket.com/login/access";
        userLoginURLString = @"http://photobucket.com/apilogin/login";   

    This will get you logged in but there's a lot more to come. PB have a code page and there is an Objective-C library including a modified OAUTH but it's missing docs so you need to work it out by studying the code. Bitbucket Photobucket code for objective-c

    The issue I have is to do with their usage of sub domains and trying to get OAUTH to work with that.

    UPDATE: Solved: I have at last worked out how to get a part of the provided API working in my own Xcode project. Basically I added the special Oauth files which enable the requests to be set up correctly to get round the subdomain stuff. eg: OAuthASIHTTPRequest etc

    I'm now getting full album info.