I want to copy/paste a file from one folder to another folder in windows using R, but it's not working. My code:
> file.rename(from="C:/Users/msc2/Desktop/rabata.txt",to="C:/Users/msc2/Desktop/Halwa/BADMASHI/SCOP/rabata.tx")
If you wanted a file.rename()
-like function that would also create any directories needed to carry out the rename, you could try something like this:
my.file.rename <- function(from, to) {
todir <- dirname(to)
if (!isTRUE(file.info(todir)$isdir)) dir.create(todir, recursive=TRUE)
file.rename(from = from, to = to)
my.file.rename(from = "C:/Users/msc2/Desktop/rabata.txt",
to = "C:/Users/msc2/Desktop/Halwa/BADMASHI/SCOP/rabata.txt")