
atos and dwarfdump won't symbolicate my address

I received a crash report via that isn't symbolicated. Since the crash report is not in exactly the same format as an Apple crashlog I can't just drop it on XCode as usual, so I took the exact same build from my XCode archive tried to symbolicate it on the commandline. With the following result:

$ atos -o 0x0002fc4c
0x0002fc4c (in kidsapp)

I'm absolutely sure I'm using the same build as the crash report is from. So I also tried with dwarfdump:

$ dwarfdump --lookup 0x0002fc4c --arch armv7
 File: (armv7)
Looking up address: 0x000000000002fc4c in .debug_info... not found.
Looking up address: 0x000000000002fc4c in .debug_frame... not found.

Also no result. Is there anything else besides using the wrong dSYM file that I could do wrong? I know it's the correct one since this is the version referred in the crash report in AirBrake and it's in my XCode archive.

Any ideas/tips are welcome!


  • First of all check if the dSYM is really the correct one for that app:

    dwarfdump --uuid
    dwarfdump --uuid

    Both should return the same result.

    Next check if the dSYM has any valid content

    dwarfdump --all

    This should give at least some info, other than not found.

    I guess that the dSYM is corrupt. In general you might want to use a crash reporter that gives you a full crash report with all threads and last exception backtrace information. I recommend using something based on PLCrashReporter, e.g. QuincyKit (Open Source SDK + Server + symbolication on your mac) or HockeyApp (Open Source SDK + Paid service + server side symbolication) (Note: I am one of the developers both!)