I'm looking for a ruby class that could generate the sequel model file for Ramaze after reading the definition of the table in a mySQL database.
For example, I would like to type :
ruby mySuperGenerator.rb "mytable"
And the result shold be the file "mytable.rb" in "model" directory, containing :
class Mytable < Sequel::Model(:mytable)
# All plugins I've defined somewhere before lauching the generator
plugin :validation_helpers
plugin :json_serializer
one_to_many :othertable
many_to_one :othertable2
def validate
# Generating this if there are some not null attributes in this table
validates_presence [:fieldthatshoulnotbenull1, :fieldthatshoulnotbenull2]
errors.add(:fieldthatshoulnotbenull1, 'The field fieldthatshoulnotbenull1 should not be null.') if self.fieldthatshoulnotbenull1.nil?
def before_create
# All the default values found for each table attributes
self.creation_time ||= Time.now
def before_destroy
# referential integrity
self.othertable_dataset.destroy unless self.othertable.nil?
Does someone knows if such a generator exists ?
Well... I finally wrote my script. see https://github.com/Pilooz/sequel_model_generator Have look and fork !