
Duplicate masters branches locally

How can I merge these? I don't know how this has happened, I'v only worked with one branch before and today I was going to create a new one (the top blurred out one).

Please Note: I'm a front-end developer and basicly only know (about git) what I need to use this software (gitbox)

Edit: I cannot merge them in gitbox it seems, I can't select just one of them both are always selected, I've tried restarting gitbox as well.

Duplicate master branches


  • I actually had two master branches, one called "master" and one called "master (computer_name)" because I stupidly tried to use Sugarsync (like dropbox) on my Sites folder, also I added the folder incorrectly so it duplicated almost every single file and added my computer name within parentheses.

    (I had a bad cold when I did this)

    I closed gitbox and deleted all duplicate FILES, worked like a charm.