Couchbase 1.8.0 concurrency (number of concurrent req support in java client/server): scalability
Is there any limit on server on serving number of requests per second or number of requests serving simultaneously. [in configuration, not due to RAM, CPU etc hardware limitations]
Is there any limit on number of simultaneous requests on an instance of CouchbaseClient in Java servlet.
Is it best to create only one instance on CouchbaseClient and keep it open or to create multiple instances and destroy.
Is Moxi helpful with Couchbase 1.8.0 server/Couchbase java client 1.0.2
I need this info to setup application in production.
Thanks you
The memcached instance that runs behind Couchbase has a hard
connection limit of 10,000 connections. Couchbase in general
recommends that you should increase the number of nodes to address
the distrobution of traffic on that level.
The client itself does not have a hardcoded limit in regards to how
many connections it makes to a Couchbase cluster.
Couchbase generally recommends that you create a connection pool
from your application to the cluster and just re-use those
connections versus creation and destroying them over and over. On
heavier load applications, the creation and destruction of these
connections over and over can get very expensive from a resource
Moxi is an integrated piece of Couchbase. However, it is generally
in place as an adapter layer for clients developers to specifically
use it or to give legacy access to applications designed to directly
access a memcached interface. If you are using the Couchbase client
driver you won't need to use the Moxi interface.