
Splash-screen doesn't show it contents

I'm having some trouble showing a splashscreen during some heavy work in my application in Python-gtk. I've been searching on Google and found this link: Since the example is quite clear, I downloaded the program and ran it on my computer. However, the splashscreen didn't show its contents. Could it be that some configuration parameter of Gtk is set wrong? How come adding the code:

while gtk.events_pending():

right after showing the splashscreen doesn't work in my case?

Thanks for your help


  • I tried adding:

            while gtk.events_pending():

    right after the self.window.show_all() in splashScreen, and that worked. Before that, it didn't display the text, "This shouldn't take too long... :)".

    This works because it ensures that the splash screen is rendered immediately, rather than leaving it to chance, which I guess must randomly work for some people (the guy who wrote this code and the other guy who replied here) and not for others (you and me).