What in Java matches to C# PixelFormat's members.
i.e. Format24bppRgb matches to BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB
Here is my code. I got an image which has .Net's PixelFormat = Format32bppArgb
. I am creating BufferedImage like this:
int sizeBytes = width * height;
DataBufferByte dataBuffer = new DataBufferByte(myImageBytes, sizeBytes);
WritableRaster raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(dataBuffer, // dataBuffer
width, // width
height, // height
width * 4, // scanlineStride
4, // pixelStride
new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}, // bandOffsets
null); // location
java.awt.image.ColorModel colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), // ColorSpace
new int[]{8, 8, 8, 8}, // bits
true, // hasAlpha
false, // isPreMultiplied
ComponentColorModel.TRANSLUCENT, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, false, null);
After I create a bufferedImage red and blue colors are swapped in it.
Next, I tried to create an image as follow
BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
WritableRaster r = result.getRaster();
int[] pixels = byteToInt(bytes);
r.setPixels(0, 0, width, height , pixels); // ! Here an exception occures, because after I converted the byte array to int one the width becomes too long.
Byte array was convert by this method
private int[] byteToInt(byte[] pixels) {
int[] ints = new int[pixels.length / 3];
int byteIdx = 0;
for (int pixel = 0; pixel < ints.length; pixel++) {
int red = (int) pixels[byteIdx++] & 0xFF;
int green = (int) pixels[byteIdx++] & 0xFF;
int blue = (int) pixels[byteIdx++] & 0xFF;
int rgb = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
ints[pixel] = rgb;
return ints;
The colors look fine now, but I got the exception
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 27600
at sun.awt.image.ByteInterleavedRaster.setPixels(ByteInterleavedRaster.java:1106)
If I use the smaller width (e.g. width / 3) the colors look fine but the picture itself shrinks.
is definately a good place to start. Many of the values in PixelFormat
will match up to values in BufferedImage
- they each have 24-bit and 32-bit RGB/ARGB values, both have 5-5-5 and 5-6-5 combinations, etc.
If you're having trouble, post some code and we'll have a look at it, try to help. The thing I would recommend would be to play around with the byte ordering (in the pixel int
s) until you get the result that you expect - try drawing the BufferedImage
onto a GUI object like JPanel so you can see what it looks like.
If you've got an array of int[] for your pixel values, this is the code I usually use for displaying the array as an image...
int[] pixels;
ColorModel model = new DirectColorModel(32,0x00ff0000,0x0000ff00,0x000000ff,0xff000000);
Image image = new JLabel().createImage(new MemoryImageSource(width,height,model,pixels,0,width));