I'm doing my first steps in Coldfusion8. I managed to setup a component/service with a cffunction I'm calling.
Inside the function I need to contruct a 2x2 table with errors and corresponding error messages. Error messages are multi-language and stored in a MySQL table.
I can't find a way to reference my variables from inside a CFFunction tag. This does not work:
// select from database
<cfparam name="Session.Sprache" default="DE">
<cfquery datasource="iln" name="texte">
FROM languages
WHERE sprache = "#Session.lang#"
<cffunction name="createErrMsgsLog" returntype="object">
// create and populate
<cfset allErrMsgs=ArrayNew(2)>
<cfset allErrMsgs[1][1]="firma">
// not defined
<cfset allErrMsgs[1][2]="#tx_validate_firma#">
How can I reference my variables aka #tx_validate_firma# correctly inside CFfunction. They are always undefined.
Ok. This seems to work:
Inside application.cfc I'm calling:
<cfinvoke component="services.errorMsg"
Inside errorMsg.cfc I'm doing:
<cfcomponent displayname="errorMsg">
<cffunction name="createErrMsgsLog">
<cfquery datasource="mine" name="texte">
FROM sprachen
WHERE sprache = "#Session.Sprache#"
<cfoutput query="texte">
// column name = value
<cfset "#trim(bezeichner)#" = "#trim(textinhalt)#">
// build array
<cfset allErrMsgs=ArrayNew(2)>
<cfset allErrMsgs[1][1] = "firma">
<cfset allErrMsgs[1][2] = #tx_validate_firma#>
<cfset errMsgs = serializeJSON(allErrMsgs)>
<cfreturn errMsgs>
This just seems like an awful lot of code...
Just a best practices answer here. When referencing a variable you can just reference the name, no need to use ##.
For example
<cfset "#trim(bezeichner)#" = "#trim(textinhalt)#">
Can be <cfset "#trim(bezeichner)#" = trim(textinhalt)>
This doesn't solve your undefined problem, but is something you should follow moving forward (don't bother cleaning up old code), but this makes it much more readable imo.