I am using freeTTS library for converting text to speech. I am able to program my code using this library where i can play the speech for a particular text using following code:
Voice voice = VoiceManager.getInstance().getVoice("kevin16");
if (voice != null) {
voice.speak("Hello world");
Is there a way using which i can get a callback when the tts lib has completed the speak process?
I found the answer myself.. we don't need a callback when the lib has completed the speak process. the control goes on the next line only when speak process ends.
that's how i did it:
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
voice = initializeTTS(); // a func to initialize TTS lib.
voice.speak("Hello world");
// do whatever you want to do from here only.
} catch (Exception e) {