I have a Rails application using Rails 3.
I added rspec-rails
to my Gemfile
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rails'
and then I run bundle install
. It shows my gem list, and all rspec gems are there (core, rails, etc.).
However, when I run
rails g rspec:install
that's what it returns:
create .rspec
create spec
create spec/spec_helper.rb
Although I have models and controllers in my application, it just create those files. Why isn't Rspec creating the spec files?
Rspec doesn't automatically create specs for your existing models and controllers. You'll have to go create those files yourself now.
Creating a spec file is really easy. Just make a file ending in _spec.rb and put this in it:
require 'spec_helper';
describe User do;
(of course replacing User with the class you are testing) and you're there.