
jsessionid is occurred in all urls which are generated by jstl <c:url..> tag

I've got some strange bug: when I open page first time in some browser all references has jsessionid parameter (like <a href="/articles?name=art&jsessionid=5as45df4as5df"..>).

When I press F5 or refresh the page by any other ways all that stuff is disappeared and everything works fine until I close my browser (and all tabs should be closed too). When I open it again I see this strange jsessionid parameter.

I use jstl <c:url..> tag for creating all URLs.

I've read some time ago that jsessionid is an alternative to cookies if cookies are disabled, but cookies are enabled and I actually don't use cookies.


  • This isn't a bug, it's by design. When a new session is created, the server isn't sure if the client supports cookies or not, and so it generates a cookie as well as the jsessionid on the URL. When the client comes back the second time, and presents the cookie, the server knows the jsessionid isn't necessary, and drops it for the rest of the session. If the client comes back with no cookie, then the server needs to continue to use jsessionid rewriting.

    You may not explicitly use cookies, but you do implicitly have a session, and the container needs to track that session.