Here's the code I'm using to download a file
var S3_KEY = 'xxxxxx';
var S3_SECRET = 'xxxxxx';
var S3_BUCKET = 'xxxxxx';
var s3Client = require('knox').createClient({
"key": S3_KEY,
"secret": S3_SECRET,
"bucket": S3_BUCKET
// Pull some stuff down
s3Client.get('').on( 'response', function(res){
console.log( "\n" + res.statusCode );
console.log( "\n" + res.headers + "\n" );
res.setEncoding( 'utf8' );
res.on('data', function( chunk ) {
console.log( chunk );
I'm getting a 403 error with a SignatureDoesNotMatch code. What am I doing wrong?
It seems like this is an issue on Knox's end. Apparently the problem has been solved, but the solution has not not pulled into the main project yet.
See this thread:
My workaround was to just remove the knox library and clone this repository into my node_modules folder: