I have a dictionary below, and I want to add to another dictionary with not necessarily distinct elements and merge its results.
Is there any built-in function for this, or do I need to make my own?
'6d6e7bf221ae24e07ab90bba4452267b05db7824cd3fd1ea94b2c9a8': 6,
'7c4a462a6ed4a3070b6d78d97c90ac230330603d24a58cafa79caf42': 7,
'9c37bdc9f4750dd7ee2b558d6c06400c921f4d74aabd02ed5b4ddb38': 9,
'd3abb28d5776aef6b728920b5d7ff86fa3a71521a06538d2ad59375a': 15,
'2ca9e1f9cbcd76a5ce1772f9b59995fd32cbcffa8a3b01b5c9c8afc2': 11
The number of elements in the dictionary is also unknown.
Where the merge considers two identical keys, the values of these keys should be summed instead of overwritten.
You didn't say how exactly you want to merge, so take your pick:
x = {'both1': 1, 'both2': 2, 'only_x': 100}
y = {'both1': 10, 'both2': 20, 'only_y': 200}
print {k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x)}
print {k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x) & set(y)}
print {k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x) | set(y)}
{'both2': 22, 'only_x': 100, 'both1': 11}
{'both2': 22, 'both1': 11}
{'only_y': 200, 'both2': 22, 'both1': 11, 'only_x': 100}