I've been messing around with developing a game in clojure, and one thing I've been really excited about is hot swapping in code.
I've been using swank clojure and emacs with the lein-swank
My main problem has been that of typos. Say I update a function, make a small error, and then hit Ctrl-C Ctrl-C to send it off to the REPL:
(if (> (rand) .5) (println "yay") (println "boo"))
(I should have written 0.5
, not .5
In that case, the entire program will simply crash and burn, and I'll need to restart the whole thing. Hot swapping is great, but if I can't make even a tiny error then what's the point?
So what exactly is the workflow here? Am I missing something? Or is there a way to make swank clojure more resilient to these little errors? (I imagine that the best thing would simply be to reset to a previous working state, although that may be a little difficult.)
The program shouldn't “crash and burn”—it should raise an exception and throw you into the debugger, which you can dismiss by hitting Q
). After dismissing the debugger, the program is supposed to continue running normally. If this is not what happens, your SLIME configuration is probably broken somehow.