
Uncaught Soap Error

I am making a soap call from inside a try...catch block,

        $request->l_Request->Year = $year;      
//      $request->l_Request->Period = $period;      
        try {
             * perform getMake request
             * @var stdClass
            $response = $client->getSeries($request);    
            $series = $response->getSeriesResult->Lookup_Struc;                                                                                
            return $series;                      
        } catch (SoapFault $exception) {                        
             * log exception on soap request
            $this->getLogger()->log($exception->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
            $this->getLogger()->log($exception->getTraceAsString(), Zend_Log::INFO);
            return false;           
        }  catch (Exception $exception) {                           
             * log exception on soap request
            $this->getLogger()->log($exception->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
            $this->getLogger()->log($exception->getTraceAsString(), Zend_Log::INFO);
            return false;           

Here's how my output/error looks like

( ! ) Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'Period' property in C:\wamp\www\FHH\library\Zend\Soap\Client.php on line 1121

But I am unable to catch soap-error using try catch, Is there special way to handle this.


  • I use the following class in my applications to turn errors into exceptions:

    class ErrorHandler
        public function __construct()
            set_error_handler( array( __CLASS__, 'handleError' ));
        static public function handleError( $errno, $errstr, $errfile,
                                            $errline, array $errcontext )
            throw new ErrorException( $errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline );

    You just need to create an instance of it:

    $errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();

    An alternative if you're using ZF1 MVC is to rename the constructor to __initErrorHandler() and add those two methods to your bootstrap class.

    I have successfully used this approach in code that uses Zend_Soap_Server, so hopefully it will work for you too.