I'm using the MVCSitemapProvider for my ASP.NET MVC 3 project, I have a dynamic node for a press release section. The issue I'm facing is that there are multiple nodes for a section and when I look at the site map it's working correctly as so:
> Home
> Static Node - Press Releases
>Dynamic node - Press Release #1
>Dynamic node - Press Release #2
>Dynamic node - Press Release #3
However in the bread crumbs, if I navigate to the Press Release #2 page. the Breadcrumb will show the first node.
Home > Press Releases > Press Release #1
Here's the code for the Node Provider
public class PressReleaseDynamicNodeProvider : DynamicNodeProviderBase {
public PressReleasesRepository _repository = new PressReleasesRepository();
public List<PressRelease> releases = new List<PressRelease>();
public override IEnumerable<DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection() {
releases = _repository.GetPressReleases();
var returnValue = new List<DynamicNode>();
foreach (var release in releases) {
DynamicNode node = new DynamicNode();
node.Title = release.Title;
return returnValue;
and the MVC sitemap code:
<mvcSiteMapNode controller="News" action="PressReleases" title="Press Releases" >
<mvcSiteMapNode controller="News" action="PressRelease" title="" dynamicNodeProvider="MySite.NodeProvider.PressReleaseDynamicNodeProvider, MySite" />
As I was rewriting this quesiton, I've been playing around with the code, not making any major changes and NOW... Press Release #1 is showing Press Release #1, Press Release #2 is showing Press Release #3 and Press Release #3 is showing Press Release #1.
I'm baffled by this.
The reason for this is that the sitemap provider can't distinguish between your routes. Right now all press releases are accessed through the same URL, /news/pressreleases/. To make the breadcrumbs correct you should pass something like an id, to the provider through node.RouteValues
For example, your action method PressReleases
in NewsController
may look something like this:
public ActionResult PressReleases(int id) {
... implementation ...
Then you would pass the id
parameter into the RouteValues
like this:
foreach (var release in releases) {
DynamicNode node = new DynamicNode();
node.Title = release.Title;
node.RouteValues.Add("id", release.Id);
This small change will make the breadcrumbs work as expected.