I have managed to create something to populate the JqPlot pie chart (very hard coded – it will be automated). Here is how I’ve done it:
public ActionResult PieChart()
return View();
public ActionResult PieChartJSON()
List<PieChartData> sampleData = new List<PieChartData>();
PieChartData test = new PieChartData();
PieChartData test2 = new PieChartData();
PieChartData test3 = new PieChartData();
PieChartData test4 = new PieChartData();
PieChartData test5 = new PieChartData();
test.Label = "ta";
test.Value = 3;
test2.Label = "be";
test2.Value = 5;
test3.Label = "ga";
test3.Value = 3;
test4.Label = "ma";
test4.Value = 8;
test5.Label = "ja";
test5.Value = 8;
return Json(sampleData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
urlDataJSON = '/Home/PieChartJSON';
$.getJSON(urlDataJSON, "", function (data) {
var dataSlices = [];
var dataLabels = "";
$.each(data, function (entryindex, entry) {
dataLabels = dataLabels + entry['Label'];
options = {
legend: { show: true },
title: 'Poll Results',
seriesDefaults: {
// Make this a pie chart.
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
// Put data labels on the pie slices.
// By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.
showDataLabels: true
var plot = $.jqplot('pieChart', [dataSlices], options);
https://i.sstatic.net/ohup4.png *Produced Graph
I’d like to be able to create something similar to the bar graph on the following page: http://www.jqplot.com/tests/bar-charts.php (second chart down). This bar graph is created using the following jQuery:
I’m quite new to C# and Json and I’m a little unsure how the JSON data should be constructed to create this bar graph. Can anyone help me out?
// For horizontal bar charts, x an y values must will be "flipped"
// from their vertical bar counterpart.
var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [
[[2,1], [4,2], [6,3], [3,4]],
[[5,1], [1,2], [3,3], [4,4]],
[[4,1], [7,2], [1,3], [2,4]]], {
seriesDefaults: {
// Show point labels to the right ('e'ast) of each bar.
// edgeTolerance of -15 allows labels flow outside the grid
// up to 15 pixels. If they flow out more than that, they
// will be hidden.
pointLabels: { show: true, location: 'e', edgeTolerance: -15 },
// Rotate the bar shadow as if bar is lit from top right.
shadowAngle: 135,
// Here's where we tell the chart it is oriented horizontally.
rendererOptions: {
barDirection: 'horizontal'
axes: {
yaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer
Understanding that you want to build a bar chart for the given data you could have your dataSlices build in a following way, assuming your JSON
data comes as an array:
var json = [
{"Label": "be", "Value": 5}
,{"Label": "ga", "Value": 3}
,{"Label": "ma", "Value": 8}
,{"Label": "ja", "Value": 8}];
var dataSlices = [];
var ticks = [];
$.each(json, function (entryindex, entry) {
This is demonstrated in the following code which reuses a standard example from jqPlot website.