
How do I add the description property to the table designer view in SSMS?

In the SSMS (currently running SQL Server 2008 R2), I would like to add the Description property next to the Allow Nulls property in the table designer window.

I have looked at the registry change for setting the default value of the null property as shown in this SO answer How do I set the Allow Nulls property in table designer of SSMS to be always false? However, I cannot figure out how to add the new property into the new table designer view.

I thought the the following registry entry would help.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\DataProject\


I changed the registry entries of above keys from 1,2,6; to 1,2,6,9; but nothing changed in the designer.

Does anyone have any additional thoughts on this?


  • Here are the steps to add a property to the table designer in SQL Server Management Studio. The steps involve altering the values in registry settings.

    NOTE: Please be careful while altering registry keys.

    Property sequence:

    1. Column Name
    2. Data Type
    3. Length
    4. Precision
    5. Scale
    6. Allow Nulls
    7. Default Value
    8. Identity
    9. Identity Seed
    10. Identity Increment
    11. Row GUID
    12. Nullable
    13. Condensed Type
    14. Not for Replication
    15. Formula
    16. Collation
    17. Description

    Hope this helps someone.