
Integrating Castle Windsor with SignalR - how should I approach this?

I am getting started with SignalR, and it works great once everything is configured. However, almost all the applications that I work on use Castle Windsor, so it would be great to be able to use them together. The reason that I want to do this is so that I can use Castle dependencies/services inside of a persistent connection.

I dug around in the source code, and it looks like I could either replace DependencyResolver with a Castle based one (i.e., Castle implementing IDependencyResolver), or I could change the usage of DependencyResolver to Castle.

Which one of these is a better idea? Is there another approach that I could use to combine Castle and SignalR?

Thanks, Erick


  • August 2016 update

    Following from a comment I no longer use the approach below but now use the GlobalHost.DependencyResolver

    So in Global.asax.cs I initialise things

    public static void Init(IWindsorContainer container)
        var conn = configurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SRSQL"].ConnectionString;
                                          () => new SignalHubActivator(container));
        //etc or you could just pass your existing container to the resolver

    and then in the hub

    private ILoggingService LoggingService{ get; set; }
        public NotificationHub()
            LoggingService = GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<ILoggingService>();

    and for completeness

    public class SignalHubActivator: IHubActivator
        private readonly IWindsorContainer _container;
        public SignalHubActivator(IWindsorContainer container)
            _container = container;
        public IHub Create(HubDescriptor descriptor)
                    var result=  _container.Resolve(descriptor.HubType) as IHub;
            if (result is Hub)
        return result;

    OLD ANSWER from 2012

    I went with the first option of setting our own DependencyResolver

    AspNetHost.SetResolver(new SignalResolver(_container));

    I can provide SignalResolver if desired but leaving out for readability for now.

    Another important note is that the hubs must have an empty constructor so our castle container injects through properties, e.g.

    public class NotificationHub : Hub, INotificationHub
    public INotificationService NotificationService { get; set; }

    and the resolver requested

    public class SignalResolver : DefaultDependencyResolver
            private readonly IWindsorContainer _container;
            public SignalResolver(IWindsorContainer container) 
                if (container == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("container");
                _container = container;
            public override object GetService(Type serviceType) 
                return TryGet(serviceType) ?? base.GetService(serviceType);
            public override IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
                return TryGetAll(serviceType).Concat(base.GetServices(serviceType));
            private object TryGet(Type serviceType)
                    return _container.Resolve(serviceType);
                catch (Exception)
                    return null;
            private IEnumerable<object> TryGetAll(Type serviceType)
                    var array = _container.ResolveAll(serviceType);
                    return array.Cast<object>().ToList();
                catch (Exception)
                    return null;