I have TBytes variable with a value [0,0,15,15]. How can I convert it to "00FF" ?
I dont want to use loops, bcoz this logic to be used in time intensive function.
(I tried using BinToHex, but I could not get it working with string variable.)
Thanks & Regards,
// Swapping is necessary because x86 is little-endian.
function Swap32(value: Integer): Integer;
bswap eax
function FourBytesToHex(const bytes: TBytes): string;
IntBytes: PInteger;
FullResult: string;
Assert(Length(bytes) = SizeOf(IntBytes^));
IntBytes := PInteger(bytes);
FullResult := IntToHex(Swap32(IntBytes^), 8);
Result := FullResult[2] + FullResult[4] + FullResult[6] + FullResult[8];
If that last line looks a little strange, it's because you requested a four-byte array be turned into a four-character string, whereas in the general case, eight hexadecimal digits are required to represent a four-byte value. I'm simply assumed that your byte values are all below 16, so only one hexadecimal digit is needed. If your example was a typo, then simply replace the last two lines with this one:
Result := IntToHex(Swap32(IntBytes^), 8);
By the way, your requirement forbidding loops will not be met. IntToHex
uses a loop internally.