I found this solution on Stack Overflow for getting the first word from a sentence.
$myvalue = 'Test me more';
$arr = explode(' ',trim($myvalue));
echo $arr[0]; // will print Test
This is suitable when a space character is used to divide words. Does anyone know how to get the first word from a string if you do not know what the divider is? It can be ' ' (space), '.' (full stop), '.' (or comma).
Basically, how do you take anything that is a letter from a string up to the point where there is no letter?
House, rest of sentence here
would give House
would also give House
House thing
would also give House
is what you're looking for.
$str = "bla1 bla2,bla3";
$words = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $str);
This snippet splits the $str by space, \t, comma, \n.