Is there a null coalescing operator in powershell?
I'd like to be able to do these c# commands in powershell:
var s = myval ?? "new value";
var x = myval == null ? "" : otherval;
Powershell 7 introduces native null coalescing, null conditional assignment, and ternary operators in Powershell.
Null Coalescing
$null ?? 100 # Result is 100
"Evaluated" ?? (Expensive-Operation "Not Evaluated") # Right side here is not evaluated
Null Conditional Assignment
$x = $null
$x ??= 100 # $x is now 100
$x ??= 200 # $x remains 100
Ternary Operator
$true ? "this value returned" : "this expression not evaluated"
$false ? "this expression not evaluated" : "this value returned"
No need for the Powershell Community Extensions, you can use the standard Powershell if statements as an expression:
variable = if (condition) { expr1 } else { expr2 }
So to the replacements for your first C# expression of:
var s = myval ?? "new value";
becomes one of the following (depending on preference):
$s = if ($myval -eq $null) { "new value" } else { $myval }
$s = if ($myval -ne $null) { $myval } else { "new value" }
or depending on what $myval might contain you could use:
$s = if ($myval) { $myval } else { "new value" }
and the second C# expression maps in a similar way:
var x = myval == null ? "" : otherval;
$x = if ($myval -eq $null) { "" } else { $otherval }
Now to be fair, these aren't very snappy, and nowhere near as comfortable to use as the C# forms.
You might also consider wrapping it in a very simple function to make things more readable:
function Coalesce($a, $b) { if ($a -ne $null) { $a } else { $b } }
$s = Coalesce $myval "new value"
or possibly as, IfNull:
function IfNull($a, $b, $c) { if ($a -eq $null) { $b } else { $c } }
$s = IfNull $myval "new value" $myval
$x = IfNull $myval "" $otherval
As you can see a very simple function can give you quite a bit of freedom of syntax.
UPDATE: One extra option to consider in the mix is a more generic IsTrue function:
function IfTrue($a, $b, $c) { if ($a) { $b } else { $c } }
$x = IfTrue ($myval -eq $null) "" $otherval
Then combine that is Powershell's ability to declare aliases that look a bit like operators, you end up with:
New-Alias "??" Coalesce
$s = ?? $myval "new value"
New-Alias "?:" IfTrue
$ans = ?: ($q -eq "meaning of life") 42 $otherval
Clearly this isn't going to be to everyone's taste, but may be what you're looking for.
As Thomas notes, one other subtle difference between the C# version and the above is that C# performs short-circuiting of the arguments, but the Powershell versions involving functions/aliases will always evaluate all arguments. If this is a problem, use the if
expression form.