
python split string on multiple delimeters without regex

I have a string that I need to split on multiple characters without the use of regular expressions. for example, I would need something like the following:

>>> string = "hello there[my]friend"
>>> string.split(' []')

is there anything in python like this?


  • If you need multiple delimiters, re.split is the way to go.

    Without using a regex, it's not possible unless you write a custom function for it.

    Here's such a function - it might or might not do what you want (consecutive delimiters cause empty elements):

    >>> def multisplit(s, delims):
    ...     pos = 0
    ...     for i, c in enumerate(s):
    ...         if c in delims:
    ...             yield s[pos:i]
    ...             pos = i + 1
    ...     yield s[pos:]
    >>> list(multisplit('hello there[my]friend', ' []'))
    ['hello', 'there', 'my', 'friend']