
Conditional remote validation

I have a form which I am validating through the jQuery Validate plugin. Everything is working fine except just one thing.

I have a field that I using, the remote rule, and I am using AJAX to check if there is already an application record with the same name. I need to perform this validation only if the user changes the value in the field.

This is the validate code I have:

    rules: {
      appname: {
        minlength: 8,
        required: true,
        remote: {
                url: "<?php echo base_url();?>app/application/check_app",
                async: false,
                data:  {
                appname: function() {
                return $("#appname").val();
      apptitle: {
        required: true
    messages: {
        appname: {
      remote: "Application with same name already exists"
    highlight: function(label) {
    success: function(label) {

I need to do this:

Perform remote validation only if the user changes the text in the appname field. I tried using depends but am not able to make it work. This is basically what I tried:

remote: {
            depends: function(element){
            return ($('#appname').val() != "<?php echo trim($application[0]->app_name) ?>" );


  • I finally used a workaround. Which is as following

    1. Pass the original name as hidden parameter

      <input type="hidden" name="orgappletname" id="orgappletname"
        value="<?php echo $applet[0]->applet_name ?>">
    2. setup jQuery to compare against the original name and see if something has changed on blur. If yes then trigger ajax request to check for the changed name.

       if($(this).val() != $('#orgappname').val()){
              url: "<?php echo base_url() . "apl/applet/check_applet" ?>",
              data: "appletname=" + $(this).val(),
              type: "POST",
              success: function (msg) {

    I am not sure if this is right way to do it, but it works for me.