I want to write a Zsh function that looks like:
Such that after WATCH_FILE
is saved, that COMMAND_TO_RUN
will be run and smartwatch
will wait for the file to be saved again. This would be helpful for me in this scenario:
smartwatch server.py python server.py
So everytime I modify the server file, the server gets restarted. I've heard that inotify-tools might be able to help, so I'm using inotifywait
, but if someone knows a better tool, let me know. Here's what I have so far:
smartwatch() {
inotifywait -qq $WATCH
kill $PID
exec smartwatch $WATCH $CMD $ARGS
This solution is rather slow and not very elegant. Anyone know a way to make this more efficient or at least cleaner?
After some fiddling, here's what I ended up with:
onsave() {
while true
eval "$1 &!"
trap "kill $! &> /dev/null; return;" SIGINT SIGTERM
inotifywait -e modify -qq $2
kill $! &> /dev/null
So you should be able to run onsave "python server.py" server.py