I want to use List.asmx getallitems webservice to get all the list items in a windows 7 gadget, I have been doing research for last 10 days,but couldn't really find what i want.
Keeping in mind, there's hundred tutorial I find on google that are doing same thing but for Sharepoint 2010 or web content webpart, or by using .Net web reference or proxy.
problem here is, I am using Sharepoint 2007 and I want to develop a Windows 7 gadget for clients so it will be out of sharepoint environment and because its a Windows 7 gadget, so all tools i got hold of are,
Oh one thing I forgot to mention, I need to do Windows authentication as well, so i can't just directly write a SOAP message to get the list items. so Webservices I can play with are "lists.asmx" and "authentication.asmx"
Additional Information
Our sharepoint is currently accessible by Ipad and what they are doing is, authenticating the user somehow and getting a cookie in return, and use it for later validations and operations, how to do that ? i got no clue at all. I can't ask them for help either well at least for the moment.
If you can afford deploying a COM component with your gadget, you can have a look at a similar post. You can reuse the authenticated Windows session when calling an SP WS from your .NET CCW DLL.
--- Ferda