I had a working code that gave me the address of a mesh (if i'm correct):
MyMesh &mesh = glWidget->mesh();
Now I want if thingie to assign different mesh adresses. One is mesh() first function and another function mesh(int): How is this done?
MyMesh &mesh; //error here: need to be initialized
mesh = glWidget->mesh();
else if (meshNum==1){
mesh = glWidget->mesh(0);
//mesh used in functions...
If your case is simple enough that meshNum
is constrained, you can use the ?:
MyMesh &mesh = (meshNum == 0) ? glWidget->mesh() : glWidget->mesh(0);
Otherwise, you need a pointer since references must be initializated at the definition point, and cannot be reseated to refer to anything else.
MyMesh *mesh = 0;
if( meshNum == 0 ) {
mesh = &glWidget->mesh();
} else if ( meshNum == 1 ){
mesh = &glWidget->mesh(0);
function( *mesh, ... );