I'm trying to implement the marquee tag
in jQuery by animation a set of images using animate()
function, making them move to the right or left direction.
But, I couldn't figure out when a single image goes to the end of the screen returns individually to the other side.
Because I heard that the window size is not constant for every browser, So is there anyway to implement that?
this is what I came up so far(it's simple and basic):
function moveThumbs(speed){
}, speed);
setTimeout(moveThumbs, speed);
note: I searched in SO for related questions, but had no luck to find exact information for my specific issue.
Here's a basic script that moves an image across the screen and then resumes on the other side and adapts to the window width.
You can see it working here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/rnWa2/
function startMoving(img) {
var img$ = $(img);
var imgWidth = img$.width();
var screenWidth = $(window).width();
var amount = screenWidth - (parseInt(img$.css("left"), 10) || 0);
// if already past right edge, reset to
// just left of left edge
if (amount <=0 ) {
img$.css("left", -imgWidth);
amount = screenWidth + imgWidth;
var moveRate = 300; // pixels per second to move
var time = amount * 1000 / moveRate;
.animate({left: "+=" + amount}, time, "linear", function() {
// when animation finishes, start over
$(document).ready(function() {
// readjust if window changes size
$(window).resize(function() {
$(".mover").each(function() {