I'm using rails 3.2.3 and have a questions about queries.
I've read that it is favorable using arel instead of named scopes.
Basically in my app, when a user logs in, I want him to see the products that he created. So instead of having in my controllers index:
I was looking for something like
products=Product.find(:all, :conditions....)
The thing is, my User and Product models have a HABTM relation (it really has to be) and I don't know how to join those tables so that only the products inserted by the current_user
are displayed (the insertion is working correctly)
Do I have to add a search method in my Product model?
Or this can be accomplished by passing :conditions
in the index controller?
Basically the logic is:
->Get all the products
->inner joining with the products_users HABTM table and get all the products where products_users.user_id = current_user.id. Return the results.
I don't know if I'm missing something here...any tips on how to code this? I'm kind of confused.
if user_sighed_in?
@products = current_user.products
@products = Product.scoped
ofc u have to define association in User model
has_many :products