
IntelliJ IDEA task integration with github

Has anyone successful made this work? I've followed the directions carefully, but I can't get my IDEA tasks to sync up with my issues list on github. In the project setup I have the cache enabled to sync issues every five minutes, and in the server configuration when i hit "test" the connection is successful. Does this feature actually work?


  • I've managed to get it to work

    Here are the steps required in Intellij:

    1. Settings | Tasks | Servers...
    2. Add server with following details
    1. Click Test

    If all is well you'll get success, failure is usually a 401 and means you've added something strange into the above.

    To check that you are synchronizing against your Issues, create an Issue on GitHub if you haven't already.

    1. In Intellij, select Tools | Tasks and Contexts | Open task ...
    2. Use CTRL + Space (or equivalent) to get list of tasks
    3. Choose one then click OK
    4. Make your changes in accordance with the task (stay focused on its requirement)
    5. Commit (and push) to see your Issue reference placed as a commit comment for easy tracking

    Hope this helps.