
Maven-webstart-plugin to include runtime dependencies

When building a jnlp with the maven-webstart-plugin, I found that the runtime dependencies weren't being included in the jnlp.

I'm using a template like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="$jnlpspec" codebase="${url}/${appName}" href="${outputFile}">
        <homepage href="${url}/${appName}"/>
        <j2se version="$j2seVersion"/>
    <application-desc main-class="${main}" />

How can I include the runtime dependencies? Well, I can include them all individually:


...but ideally, I don't want to have to remember to change this every time I add a runtime dependency to my project.

Is there a way to instruct the plugin to include all runtime dependencies?


  • So it turns out that the default is to include all compile and runtime dependencies.

    What was going on?

    Well, I'm also using ant to deploy the jnlp onto a server, and in the ant file, $dependencies was being set using mvn:dependencies without the scope being specified as runtime. So adding the scope changes the $dependencies fileset which is incorporated into the jnlp file.