I am latest reportlab and django, and standard platypus TOC with the notify to 'TOCEntry' works great for my document.
I am now trying to add 2 more sections to Table of Contents: 'List of Figures', and 'List of Tables'. Since the flowables h1, h2, table, image etc. in the document can occur in any order, I cannot seem to separate the 2 lists from the main TOC. Ideally I would like to have something like:
Table of Content:
List of Figures:
List of Tables:
As far as I understand, the 'TOCEntry' is the tag looked up, and using AfterFlowable ends up putting all flowables in the same sequence as shown in the actual document. And this is not what I want. Any pointers to getting TOC to look somewhat like above depiction would be highly appreciated.
I figured that the simplest approach was to subclass TOCs, and add afterFlowable catchers for them in the docTemplate.
class MyDocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate):
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
self.allowSplitting = 0
apply(BaseDocTemplate.__init__, (self, filename), kw)
template = PageTemplate('normal', [Frame(1*inch, 1*inch, 6.5*inch, 9.5*inch, id='F1')])
def afterFlowable(self, flowable):
"Registers TOC entries."
if flowable.__class__.__name__ == 'Paragraph':
text = flowable.getPlainText()
style = flowable.style.name
if style == 'reportHeading1':
toc_el = [ 0, text, self.page ] # basic elements
toc_bm = getattr(flowable, '_bookmarkName', None) # bookmark for links
if toc_bm:
toc_el.append( toc_bm )
self.notify('TOCEntry', tuple(toc_el) )
elif style == 'reportHeading2':
toc_el = [ 1, text, self.page ] # basic elements
toc_bm = getattr(flowable, '_bookmarkName', None) # bookmark for links
if toc_bm:
toc_el.append( toc_bm )
self.notify('TOCEntry', tuple(toc_el) )
elif style == 'TableTitleStyle':
toc_el = [ 1, text, self.page ] # basic elements
toc_bm = getattr(flowable, '_bookmarkName', None) # bookmark for links
if toc_bm:
toc_el.append( toc_bm )
self.notify('TOCTable', tuple(toc_el) )
elif style == 'GraphicTitleStyle':
toc_el = [ 1, text, self.page ] # basic elements
toc_bm = getattr(flowable, '_bookmarkName', None) # bookmark for links
if toc_bm:
toc_el.append( toc_bm )
self.notify('TOCFigure', tuple(toc_el) )
Secondary Tables of Content for Figures and Tables:
class ListOfFigures(TableOfContents):
def notify(self, kind, stuff):
""" The notification hook called to register all kinds of events.
Here we are interested in 'Figure' events only.
if kind == 'TOCFigure':
class ListOfTables(TableOfContents):
def notify(self, kind, stuff):
""" The notification hook called to register all kinds of events.
Here we are interested in 'Table' events only.
if kind == 'TOCTable':
And then finally in the doc generation process. I would add the instances of ListOfTables and ListOfFigures after the standard TOC to have it look like they are somewhat related in the actual pdf.