
What is high cohesion and how to use it / make it?

I'm learning computer programming and at several places I've stumbled upon the concept of cohesion and I understand that it is desirable for a software to have "high cohesion" but what does it mean? I'm a Java, C and Python programmer learning C++ from the book C++ Primer which mentions cohesion without having it in the index, could you point me to some links about this topic? I did not find the wikipedia page about computer science cohesion informative since it just says it's a qualitative measure and doesn't give real code examples.


  • High cohesion is when you have a class that does a well defined job. Low cohesion is when a class does a lot of jobs that don't have much in common.

    Let's take this example:

    You have a class that adds two numbers, but the same class creates a window displaying the result. This is a low cohesive class because the window and the adding operation don't have much in common. The window is the visual part of the program and the adding function is the logic behind it.

    To create a high cohesive solution, you would have to create a class Window and a class Sum. The window will call Sum's method to get the result and display it. This way you will develop separately the logic and the GUI of your application.