
AppleScript: How can I quit all running user apps and then restart to bootcamp partition (this part works)?

I frequently reboot into Windows on a bootcamp partition in my Mac Pro (e2008) (Mac Os X 10.5.6). Because I like to use the time it takes to reboot for other things instead of just sitting around I'd like to write/execute a simple applescript that would basically do:

  1. Quit all running user applications
  2. Then*—after the apps have been quit properly—*restart to my bootcamp partition

Part 2 I have been using for a little while now with a script I found online that is as follows:

do shell script "bless -mount /Volumes/WinVista/ -legacy -setBoot -nextonly" with 
administrator privileges
do shell script "shutdown -r now" with administrator privileges

This works great except that if applications are open they are not properly shutdown (basically they are being 'force quit') so I would like to have the script shutdown apps first then execute the reboot.

I have found a similar question on Stack Overflow but since my understanding of AppleScript is virtually none existent I don't know how I could combine this: (Quit All Applications using Applescript?) with the script that does the reboot.

Is this possible? If so I would appreciate any advice/help/scripts you can throw at me.

Also I have virtually no experience with AppleScripting all I have done so far was copy/pasting what I had found online, just in case that matters.

Thank you for reading.



  • try using

    tell application "Finder" to restart

    this try to quit every application, while prompting for saves, and then reboot the computer