
Commons Pooling: How to instantiate a concrete pool?

I've added commons-pooling-1.6.jar to my classpath and trying to instantiate a StackObjectPool and am failing at every turn:

// Deprecated.
ObjectPool<T> oPool = new StackObjectPool<T>();

// Error: Cannot instantiate the type BasePoolableObjectFactory<T>.
PoolableObjectFactory<T> oFact = new BasePoolableObjectFactory<T>();
ObjectPool<T> oPool = new StackObjectPool<T>(oFact);

Is this a deprecated API altogether? If so, what are some open source alternatives to Commons Pooling? Else, how do I instantiate a StackObjectPool?


  • You need to write your own Factory possibly extending BasePoolableObjectFactory. See here for more information:

    Below is a PoolableObjectFactory implementation that creates StringBuffers:

    import org.apache.commons.pool.BasePoolableObjectFactory; 
    public class StringBufferFactory extends BasePoolableObjectFactory<StringBuffer> { 
        // for makeObject we'll simply return a new buffer 
        public StringBuffer makeObject() { 
            return new StringBuffer(); 
        // when an object is returned to the pool,  
        // we'll clear it out 
        public void passivateObject(StringBuffer buf) { 
        // for all other methods, the no-op  
        // implementation in BasePoolableObjectFactory 
        // will suffice 

    Then use it as follows:

    new StackObjectPool<StringBuffer>(new StringBufferFactory())